Changes to the blogg

Now we´ve added comments, trackback and a RSS-feed. This way you can comment on the blogg, link to a blogg post and, if you add the RSS-feed to your browser, you are allways updated whenever we make changes here!

Please note that almost all web browsers support RSS-feeds, except Internet Explorer, both for Mac and Windows.


Navigation update

Just added some extra navigation options. Now you should find < Previous lesson | Overview | Next lesson > at the top right on each lesson page, to make it even easier to navigate from one lesson to another, and to have easy access to the lesson overview.


Errors made, errors corrected

When updating the site last night, some links became screwed up, but it all should work just fine now. Sorry!


The first formula

We have now put up the first real formula in a lesson, =sum(), which is extemely useful!


New lesson out

We’ve added a new lesson to the Calc repository, where we’re starting to deal with formulas.

We’ve also removed those highly unfinished Writer and Impress pages -- these will be back as soon as we start developing lessons for them.

You can expect another lesson next week, as usual.

New lesson next week

As this week has been rather busy, with finalizing this site and the first four lessons, the next lesson will be presented to you next week.

In the next lesson will start working with formulas in Calc, which is where the magic of spreadsheets lies.

We have opened the door to OpenOfficeSchool!

We have finally come far enough to open the doors here at OpenOfficeSchool.

For now we have av few lessons ready, but more will be made frequently -- expect to see one lesson every week on average.

We have spent quite some time developing the site, and it is greate to finally be able to focus solely on the lessons.

Please leave comments on the forum, to aid us create a better site for you!